현재 위치
CDI P/N: 551-33-1 Gearcase Filler
용량 / 11.3L
수동 진공 펌프 방식
크라이슬러, 에빈루드, 존슨, 머큐리, 스즈끼, 도하츠, 볼보, 야마하 엔진에 맞는 아답타 포함
NOTICE: This unit comes with a threaded filler nozzle which is installed fits most Chrysler,
Evinrude, Force, Johnson, Mariner and Mercury outboards.
The adapters for Suzuki, Tohatsu,
Volvo and Yamaha lower units are included.
1. After draining the lower unit as you normally would, install the check valve and the long clear
hose assembly into the upper hole (See Fig. 1). We recommend that you put the hose end into a
recovery container.
Fig. 1
2. Pressurize the tank using the hand pump.
3. Thread the nozzle into the lower hole (as shown in Fig. 1), and turn the valve lever on.
4. When oil starts running out of the top overflow, turn the valve lever off.
5. Remove the nozzle and quickly replace the lower screw. (The check valve should prevent an
excessive amount of oil from being lost).
6. Remove the check valve assembly and replace the upper screw.
7. Start and run the engine for about 5 minutes.
8. Shut the engine off and recheck the oil level. (Some lower units have been found to need about
2 ounces additional oil when the engine has been run after filling.)
9. Top off the lower unit by adding additional oil.
Changing Nozzle Tips
1. Lightly grasp the nozzle tip with one hand and using the change tool provided, push down on the
retainer ring located at the base of the nozzle tip. Gently pull the tip out, using a twisting motion.
Release the retaining ring.
2. Push the new nozzle tip straight in until it seats.
교환 및 반품안내
- 소비자분쟁해결 기준(공정거래위원회 고시)에 따라 피해를 보상받을 수 있습니다.
- A/S는 판매자에게 문의하시기 바랍니다.
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기어오일 보충기 보트 선외기 엔진오일 교체 자동 보충펌프 551-33-1
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